What's on Annie's mind this week? Grow Grow Grow


I want to chat with you for a quick second about growing your business...as we have all been told over and over again by our mentors and coaches is that we need to grow our businesses and grow it sustainably. But what does 'sustainable' really mean? It means that you need to continue to build your business on an ongoing basis and never stop doing business development, even if you landed a 2-year $1,000,000 deal.

I can hear you saying that you already practice sustainable business development but do you really?

So I will be the first to admit that in my entrepreneurship rookie years that I let the ball drop when it came to sustainably growing my business. I landed the big contract then the big contract was done then I had nothing. Argggg...Annie! But from my mistakes I created my workshops series.

A good way of thinking about GROWing is like a plan for an amazing fantastic journey. (queue in music from Fantastic Voyage by Coolio) Here are a few steps on starting your amazing fantastic journey:

  • Decide where you are going - your Goal

  • Establish where you currently are in your journey and what is your current Reality

  • Explore various Options to your destination - get creative!

  • Commit to making the journey - Willpower

If you would like help with your journey, please contact me for 1:1 business coaching or consulting or you can attend my Grow Smart! Workshop this Saturday, June 24, 2017 at 8:30am. Class size is limited. 
